Alsace Wines in Scherwiller

Scherwiller is located 50 km south of Strasbourg, 20 km from the border with Germany, and 450 km east of Paris. The village nestles at the junction of the valleys of Sainte Marie aux Mines and Villé, on the site of a major battle fought during the Peasant War.


The Frey-Sohler estate is the story of several generations closely linked to this village and to Alsace wine. Today, the estate is run by Damien Sohler and his daughter Aude. The estate stretches across the “Scherwiller” communal appellation and the Rittersberg terroir, at the foot of the majestic Château de l’Ortenbourg, which watches over this magnificent vineyard.


The Frey-Sohler estate produces all Alsace grape varieties, from Sylvaner to Gewurztraminer, including Appellation Communale “Scherwiller” (Riesling), Rittersberg wines, Grand Cru Frankstein, Crémant d’Alsace, Vendanges Tardives and Sélections de Grains Nobles.


The Frey-Sohler estate is the sole distributor of wines from the vineyard belonging to the Sohler family.


The Vineyards


(hill of the knights): shallow, granite soil, where the wine must struggle to thrive, producing a dignified wine with a salty, mineral character.


Another granite soil, with a deeper subsoil resulting in intense, fruity aromas.


This Appellation Communale (one of a small number) may only be used for wine made from the Riesling grape. This is a precocious soil – alluvial, light, hot, dry, with a filtering effect – which gives the wine a nutmeg fragrance with a hint of lemon flavour in the mouth.


Scene of the Peasant War in 1525, when the peasants who rose up against the Duke of Lorraine were slaughtered. Another dry soil which sets off the specific aromas of the individual grape varieties, home to the estate’s old parcels of Gewurztraminer, and provider of the grapes for most of our renowned Crémant Riesling.


The medieval city of Dambach-la-Ville nestles at the foot of the frankstein slopes. The soil is remarkably uniform. At between 220 and 330 meters altitude its east and south-east facing slopes soak up the sunshine, from the very earliest raus of the morning. Its soil iscomposed of well-drained granite-mica scree which filters water and retains heat well. By then Middle ages the Frankstein’s reputation extended beyond Dambach-la-Ville itself. Numerous estates, dioceses and abbeys proudly owned vineyards here, for example in 1320 the Unterlinden abbey of Colmar and the Diocese of Strasbourg. The first July 2008 is the date on which the very first vintage of our estate’s Gewurztraminer Grand Cru Frankstein became available for tasting. An exceptional wine, produced on an exceptional terroir – and an exceptional vintage. Winner of a Gold Medal at its first participation in the World Gewurztraminer Awards.

The Cellar

All our barrels and vats are equipped with temperature controls. The grape juice is allowed to settle cold, and the temperature of the fermentation process is electronically monitored from start to finish. During bottling operations, the corking machine operates under vacuum, and the bottles are conveyed along a storage table to ensure optimum corking and a wine that keeps very well.

Store & Tasting


From Monday to Friday :

8.00h am to 12.00 and 1.00h pm to 7.00pm

Saturday :

9.00 am to 12.00 and 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Sunday :

-closed from Januay to April
-opened from May to Dezember :
10.00 am to 12.00 and by appointment in the afternoon

Wine Exhibitions 2024

Fore more informations please contact us by email, or visit our facebook page.


– Prowein Düsseldorf, du dimanche 10 au mardi 12 Mars 2024

– Salon des Vins de Caen, du Vendredi 22 au Dimanche 24 Mars 2024

– Salon des Vins de Gondecourt, du  26 au 28 avril 2024

– Foire de Paris, Porte de Versailles, du Mercredi 1er mai 2024 au Dimanche 12 Mai 2024

Our Importers

+33 388 921 013

